[ Trump and Circumstance ]
Dumb All Over : A little Podcast with brash opinions on politics, religion, pop culture, and a love of craft beer! [Listener Discretion is Required]
Dumb All Over, the perfect name for a podcast at the dawn (and hopefully soon to be the dusk) of Trumpism. For an hour distraction (reminder) from the horrors of our times, put down all preconceived notions & socially accepted inhibitions, and listen to Tom and Austin banter away the bad. ...and give hope to our post-dystopian future. Best taken with their choice of craft beer. 🍺
D.A.O. Trump and Circumstance [ Ep.45 ]
Published Dec. 01, 2017 Trump and Circumstance
[ Recorded 2017/11/28 ] blogtalkradio with Kurt Riebel of uResist
Trump and Circumstance [ Episode 045 ] [ Recorded 2017/11/28 ] blogtalkradio with Kurt Riebel of uResist
This week we talk about Trump's endorsement of Roy Moore, Trump's comments about Senator Warren, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and more! We were joined by Kurt from @uResist! #podernfamily #podcast #resist #resistance #new
This week: [ Dec. 01, 2017 ]
- Alabama Senate Race
- #RoyMooreChildMolester
- Pat Roberson gives his opinion on how to fix a struggling marriage?
- A guest appearance by Kurt Riebel of uResist http://uResist.org ...
- ...and more!
🍺 Tröegs Mad Elf
🍺 Southern Tier Cinnamon Roll Ale
Blog Talk Radio BlogTalkRadio.com/DumbAllOverPod
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Post by: Kurt Riebel: artist, activist